Sunday, March 3, 2013

X-wing Miniatures Demo Day Episode II - March 16th @ Hugin & Munin

Based on the success of the last Demo Day we've decided to run a sequel. The Rebels and Empire will be battling at Hugin and Munin on Saturday March 16th. The event will run from 1pm until 5pm.

X-wing is an awesome new Star Wars miniature battle game from Fantasy Flight games. Scale, pre-painted ships battling using a unique simultaneous blind movement system that let you represent a dog fight in space in classic Star Wars style. It's quick to learn with a surprising amount of depth. Check out my full review: X-Wing Review

I will be bringing over 400 points worth of ships as well as two mats to play on. That way if we get enough people we can have two concurrent games running. I'll teach anyone who is interested how to play the game.

This time around, not only will you get to see the new Millennium Falcon and Slave 1 miniatures but you will also see the new A-Wings and TIE Interceptors.

Hugin & Munin
1664 Tecumseh RD. E.

Windsor On, 
N8W 1C5
519 974 7898

Free parking in the rear, metered parking in front and lots of nearby residential streets if either is full.

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